Woman working from home

I-M Technology has compiled a range of useful resources for your business, including ways to stay in touch, remote work tools and helpful downloads.



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Why Choose I-M Technology? eBook
Learn why we're the best fit for your technology support

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Protect Your Network eBook
What every business owner must know about protecting their company’s systems

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VoIP Buyer's Guide eBook
The complete guide to choosing the best business phone system for you

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Remote Work eBook
Our free remote work eBook contains nearly 40 pages of tips and insight

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Central New England Endodontics Case Study
Read how I-M Technology scaled IT and saved money with technology

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Further reading iconReading List

Realigning Your Business Strategy and Technology for Remote Work
Useful tips and helpful links to work-from-home tools

How To Quickly Shift To A Work-From-Home Business Model To Maximize Productivity
How to keep your business secure while your employees work remotely

Making the Right Play in a Downturn
During an economic downturn, focus on the long game, not the short gain

How the Most Successful Businesses Approach IT
The secret is ascribing the proper value to the IT in your business

9 Tips For Effective Invoicing
A sale is not a sale until the money is in the bank

Two Factor Authentication Protects Your Business
A strong password is no longer enough to protect your logins

What is IT Lifecycle Management?
Ensuring a graceful succession of IT assets for maximum productivity





Tools iconWork From Anywhere Tools